Krókódíll - Virknivagn
Krókódíll - Virknivagn
Ath. þessi vara er sérpöntun og kemur til landsins 2-3 vikum eftir að greiðsla hefur borist.
Wooden activity walker with fun crocodile features and manipulative activities on each side. Includes shape matching, jungle maze, bead maze, xylophone, number blocks, counting beads and interlocking cogs. Ideal for confident toddlers, providing a range of hands-on learning opportunities including developing coordination and motor skills, problem solving and language development.
Made from MDF and recommended for indoor use only. Requires self-assembly.
Supports the following areas of learning:
• Physical Development - motor skills
• Physical Development - hand-eye coordination
• Personal Development - collaborative play
• Communication & Language - descriptive language
• Communication & Language - reasoning
• Expressive Arts & Design - imaginative play
• Maths - shape & space
Size: 433 x 417 x 359mm
Age: Suitable from 12 months.