Ark® Toppur á sogrör - Yfirvaraskegg
Ark® Toppur á sogrör - Yfirvaraskegg
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Leið til að sameina leik og þjálfun á meðan drukkið er úr röri! Ef barnið þitt bítur oft í rör eða setur þau of langt inn í munninn, þá er Mustache Straw Topper frá ARK frábær lausn. Þetta skemmtilega sogrörstopp veitir fjölþætta æfingu fyrir munnvöðva og hjálpar til við að bæta varalokun, styrkja kinnvöðva og draga tunguna til baka.
Hvernig virkar Mustache Straw Topper?
Festu toppinn á venjulegt sogrör, og barnið er tilbúið til að drekka. Eins og Flexible Lip Blok® hjálpar Mustache Topper til við að æfa varir og bæta tungustöðu. Með því að stytta toppinn smám saman eykst þjálfunin á munnvöðvum, þar sem aðeins lítill hluti rörsins fer inn í munninn.
- Framleitt í Bandaríkjunum úr læknisfræðilegu efni sem uppfyllir FDA-kröfur og er laust við blý, PVC, BPA og latex.
- Munnstykkið er 1,9 cm langt við kaup og má stytta niður í 0,6 cm fyrir aukna þjálfun.
- Mottan (skeggið) sjálft er 6,6 cm á breidd og 4 cm á hæð.
- Passar á flest venjuleg sogrör (0,6 cm í þvermál).
- Virkar sérstaklega vel með Bjarnarbrúsa.
Athugið: Nota skal vöruna undir eftirliti fullorðinna.
An oral motor workout disguised as mealtime fun! Do you have a child who is biting on straws or putting them too far into his/her mouth? Or do you need to work on oral motor skills like lip closure, tongue retraction, and cheek tension? If so, ARK's Mustache Straw Topper provides an excellent oral motor workout.
The Mustache functions the same as the Flexible Lip Blok® - simply press the stem into the top of a regular straw, and you're ready to drink. Lip Bloks naturally exercise the mouth muscles to help build oral tone, discourage tongue thrusting, decrease tongue protrusion, and correct overall tongue and lip positioning.
As an added bonus, the Mustache is firm yet flexible. This means that you can trim the mouthpiece over time to increase the oral motor difficulty. When purchased, the mouthpiece measures 3/4 inch in length. Once the individual becomes comfortable drinking from that length, trim it very slightly. When the individual becomes comfortable at the new length, trim it again. Repeat until the mouthpiece is only 1/4 inch long. Ideally, you only want 1/4" of the straw inside the mouth. Not only does this deposit liquid in the front of the mouth where it's easier to orally manage, but it also makes the lips close better, the cheeks tighten more, and the tongue tense and retract more for a better and natural oral motor workout.
- Made in the USA, medical grade, FDA compliant, no lead, phthalates, PVC, BPA, or latex
- The mouthpiece (the extension that goes in the mouth) measures 3/4" in length. The face of the mustache measures approximately 2.6 inches at its widest and 1.6 inches tall.
- Each mustache is sold individually (pack of 1)
- Compatible with most regular drinking straws (that measure .25 inch in diameter)
- Works best with either our Bear Bottle, Sip-Tip, or Cip-Kup, as these cup sets hold the straw steady
- Straws and cups are sold separately
Caution: Use of these products should be supervised at all times.